The Registrar's Office makes the official determination of what courses will transfer from other institutions to meet 体育菠菜大平台 requirements. 体育菠菜大平台 has entered into agreements with many of the community colleges and with other members of the University of Nebraska system concerning the transferability of individual courses.
If you are planning to attend an institution outside of Nebraska or an institution that does not have a transfer agreement with 体育菠菜大平台, you should be prepared to show the Registrar's Office course descriptions and other documentation so that they can establish transferability.
If you are planning to take classes that are required for your major or minor; you need to talk to the Chair of your academic department to be sure the classes will apply to your major.
Students are required to see their academic advisor before they can register for classes. Everyone should see their advisor periodically to ensure that they are making progress toward completion of their degree program. Other times you should visit with your Academic Advisor include:
- When you are having difficulty with a class
- When you have questions about services or programs available at 体育菠菜大平台
- When you are thinking about changing your major or minor
- When you have questions about career or graduate school options
Under normal circumstances, if you decide to withdraw from a class or from the University, you must do so by the end of the twelfth week of class (Fall and Spring). For classes of a duration other than a full semester, please visit this link for more information on the drop deadline.
However, in some cases you may experience a problem in your life that does not make this possible. Under extraordinary circumstances, you may request that the University grant you an exceptional withdrawal. In order to do this, you need to go to the Registrar's Office in Warner Hall and complete an exceptional withdrawal request form.
A committee will review your request and make a determination about whether to grant an exceptional withdrawal. You should include any documentation that you have justifying the request with the application so that the committee can make an informed decision.
There are a number of resources available at 体育菠菜大平台 to help you in planning goals for your life, both at 体育菠菜大平台 and after your graduation. Our office has excellent resources to assist you in determining your career interests and goals. We can also help you with academic planning or to direct you to other resources that are available at 体育菠菜大平台. Remember, when you are experiencing uncertainty or problems, there are many resources available to help you.
You are not expected to deal with everything by yourself. The Counseling Center can help you work through personal problems that you may be having or help you with decision making. The services of the Counseling Center are completely confidential. Student Health is available to assist you with problems and questions that you may be experiencing regarding your health or physical and mental well being.
The resources on campus will help you with the decision making or problem solving process so that you can be successful at 体育菠菜大平台 and beyond.